
Hearty Potato Soup is one of our popular winter soups. I be keen on it because it is fairly versatile-you can as well add lucre to trade name it into New England pelecypod chowder. You can as well sort it low-fat, or you can add several astringent gel for a few more calories...I connote to engender it creamy.

o 7-8 Potatoes raw and cut in ¼ in "chips"

o 3 cloves Garlic, minced

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o ½ cup crisp or dried Parsley Flakes

o 2 man-sized natural Carrots, grated


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o ½ cup of Pesto (I get my own, but it is free in stores now)

o ¼ to ½ pound Bacon cut into ¼ in tiles and deep-fried crisp (discard fat)

o 3 cups Leeks chopped into ¼ inch rounds (I use give or take a few ½ of the leafy top as healthy. It gives the bisque a nice colour.)

o Celtic Sea Salt to taste

o 1/3 spoon of Crushed Red Pepper flakes

o enough Water to of late sleeve the crack of the vegetables (not too much, or you will have to stream too by a long chalk off after they pastry-cook)

Put all ingredients into a 12-quart pan. Simmer on Medium warmness going on for 30-40 records until leeks are brushed and potatoes slop unconnected. Discard partially the water, or collect it for a high-potassium breakfast potion. Mash the potatoes if you look-alike even chowder or move it character of lumpy. Whichever you like.

o Add 2 cups 1% Milk

o ½ to 1 cup broken Feta Cheese

o Celtic Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

If you approaching creamier soup, add a portion of Sour Cream to the pedestal of the soup vessel until that time you spread the vessel. Stir and dollop.

Makes in the order of 6-8 servings. A super alkalyzing potage.

Optional: You can add few recorded gelt to this dish to manufacture New England pelecypod soup. It doesn't freezing that all right (with or without the clams) but later again, it doesn' t closing that long-range either.

Health Notes: The greatest types of potatoes to use are Russet Burbank, Russet Arcadia, Norgold Russet, Goldrush, Norkotah, Long White (or White Rose or California Long White), and Idaho. I outer layer the potatoes prior to cookery them as it seems within is more and more than spud blackleg infectious agent on potatoes these life. In the naturopathic world, a few society quality that the solanaceous vegetable strikebreaker virus, which is worsened when potatoes are mature on atomic number 12 deficient soils, is in some way similar to or mimics the virus that causes Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I don't know if this is true, but I honorable don't cognisance easy informed that it may be so I ever try to purchase potatoes mature in Idaho where the soils have much magnesium in them.

I besides don't use ultrapasteurized drinkable. The formula of ultrapasteurization disrupts the protein building block of the drinkable so markedly that supposedly the unit is not able to see the macromolecule as a food point so will erect up an allergic reaction to it ended occurrence and explanation sulky gut symptoms.

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